Many thanks to all our volunteers who make the Strawberry Festival a success!

Strawberry Tent Volunteers


Louise Anderson

Elin Bevins

Susan Casey

Kim Chamblee

Jan Clark

Lisa Colllins

Amy Cormier

Sarah Cormier

Julie Davis

Lynne Dawson

Karen Demers

Michelle Duston

Karen Eger

Carrie Fitzpatrick

Chad Flinkstrom

Sam Flinkstrom

Judy Gordon

Neal Gordon

Jean Graunke

Scott Graunke

Kathy Gray

Chelsea Grey

Jen Hamel

Cheryl Harmon

Wendy Holman

Lucinda Jefferson

Mitch Kareckas

Amie Kingston

Keelee Lambert

Pat Laska

Dottie Leavitte

Karen Lepage

Russ Lepage

Sue Liberty

Robin Maggiore

Caitlyn McGreevy

Sharon Melanson

Desiree Mix

Pam Mulcahey

Julie Munyan

MaryAnn Niese

Jeff Ouellette

Sandy Ouellette

Kristen Parker

Kim Perry

Joel Polichronopolis

Tina Polinchronopolis

Jim Protzmann

Deb Resack

Beverly Rezack

Danielle Richard

Nicole Sanborn

Curtis Sargent

Michelle Sawtelle

Cynthia Sirois

Tom Sloan

Jeff Spaulding

Erin Townsend

Phyllis Upton

Jessie Walker-Lewis

Julia Walker-Lewis

Kim Walker-Lewis

Annette Whicher

Marie White

Vicki Whitney

Catherine Woodard



Margaret Stevens


Information Booth


Linda Becker

Anita Engle

Barbara Garvey

Ed Hagen

Terry Johnson

Bob Paige

Gail Paige

Carol Poirier

Pam Wheeler

Old Fashioned Bake-off Tent


Claudette Appicella

Laura Berry

Cheryl Estabrook

Cheryl Harmon

Joanne McKowen

Carolyn Remick

Mary Remick

Amy Shorey

John Stirling

Terry Smith, co-chairperson, Bake off tent

Terri Stirling, co chairperson, Bake off tent

Jim Stott, Celebrity Guest Judge

Natalie Bartlett, Stonewall Kitchen

Public Works Crew

Jon St. Pierre, Director

Kevin Campbell

Jim Dube

Gary Gerard

David Lash

Doug Letillier

Jay Redimaker

Wayne Schoff

Glenn Thompson

Firefighters Association

Blain Cote

Floyd Frost

Mark Leach

John Leach

Adam Leach

Mike Lefebvre

Joe Rousselle

Jared Young

John Young


Friday morning Babysitters


Junior Troop 851, Amanda Thacher and Kathy Perry, Troop Leaders

Junior Troop 903, Monique Guppy and Ann Claus, Troop Leaders


Hullers, from our Non-Profit Organizations


Kelly Baker

Erin Berry

Betty Jo Blaisdell

Kathleen Blaisdell

Nancy Boyce

Sharon Brassard

Melissa Burrall

Mike Cameron

Allan Casey

Dorthy Castner

Louise Cousens

Brooke Currier

Laurinda Currier

Jacque Damon

Charlotte Davis

Jean Demetracopoulos

Candy Flanders

Brad Fletcher

Jane Fletcher

Marcia Flinkstrom

Rachel Flinkstrom

Teegan French

Janice Harney

Marge Huntress

Terry Johnson

Erin Langley

Caitlyn McGarry

Peter Michaud

Dot Morgan

Eileen Pendelton

Jim Protzmann

Carey Raitt

Kate Reynolds

Rachel Schumacher

Julie Sloan

Sue Smith

Lyndsay Spagnola

Nicole St. Pierre

Mary Stansfield

Margaret Stevens

Annemarie Townsend

Erin Townsend

Kaitlyn Townsend

Susie Wathen

Heather Webster

Judy Wood

Ruth Wrangham

Hullers, from the Community

Elizabeth Adams

Elise Amioka

Jo Ann Aranbasick

Libby Blanchette

Julia Bousquet

Heather Boyd

Nancy Brault

Amanda Caswell

Andy Chadwick

Laurel Chadwick

Julie Corriveau

Allison Dwyer

Rosemary Eger

Laura Eldredge

Anita Engle

Emily Flinkstrom

Sam Flinkstrom

Chad Flinkstrom

Laurel Folger

Judy Gordan

Jean Graunke

Jeff Graunke

Cecil Hamm

Sue Haskel

Joanne Hoerth

Peg Holmes

Cyndie Hubbard

Tracy Irons

Lila Johnson

Mitch Kareckas

Andy Kareckas

June Lajenunesse

Peter Lajenunesse

Tracy LaPointe

Karen Lawrance

Greta Leber

Carin Lee

Karen LePage

Ashley Martell

Janet Martell

Chelsey Martell

Rachel Martin

Kathleen McDonnell

Sylvia Miller

Elizabeth Morrison

Nick Munyan

Hope Murphy

Aline Perry

Barbara Rimes

Susan Sager

Tammy Schladenhauffen

Diane Sedler

Barbara Shannon

Cynthia Sirois

Jonathan Sirois

Sharon St. Pierre

Irene St. Pierre

Carla Sullivan

Catherine Sullivan

Annette Turcotte

Judie Washburne

Katie Wechter

Pam Wheeler

MacKenzie White

Catherine Woodard

Janet Zickefoose

Kitchen crew


Cathy McKeel

Jasie Spaulding

Judie Washburne

special thanks to Kevin Karekas


Set-up, Clean-up


Zach Brown

Bob Hamel

Mike Hanson

Dan McKeel

Andy Parker

Rick Poulin

Jim Sirois

John Sirois


Tent Break-down

Tim Allen

Randy Boston

Steve Boston

Amy Harper

Rob Harper

Ralph Hyson

Brian Liberty

Brian Straub

Bruce Whitney

David Whitney


Special Thanks to all our Non-Profit Organizations


1st Baptist Church

Children’s Leadership Council

Cub Scout Pack 338

First Parish Federated Church

Great Works Land Trust

Jewett House

Junior Wrestlers

Knights of Columbus

Marshwood High Hockey Team


MHS Class of 2005

Old Berwick Historical Society

Rod & Gun

Rollinsford-So. Berwick Lions

Rotary Club

Ski Team

So. Berwick Fire Dept.

South Berwick/Rollinsford Little League

St. Michael's Youth

Teen Center


Central School Beautification Project

Pam Hamel

Scarlett Hanson

Mike Hanson

Sally Hunter

Cathy McKeel

Dan McKeel

Katie McKeel

Jeff Ouellette

David Ouellette

Regina Parker

Andy Parker

Rick Poulin

Roxanne Poulin

 Terry Poulin

Dennis Smith

Margaret Stevens


Mulch donated by Mark Pendergast at Salmon Falls Nursery and Kurt Dunton at Saco Brick


and the South Berwick Town Council

for sponsoring the Saturday Night Fireworks

and very Special Thanks

Dick Brown, Town Manager,

Chief Dana Lajoie and all officers & personnel from the South Berwick Police Department;

Lorin Gill, Carriage Hill Health Care for the donation of latex gloves;

Michael Nadeau, South Berwick Water Department;

Mark Gagnon, P.  Gagnon & Sons ;

David Springer, Electrician; and

Paul Hussey, Rollinsford/South Berwick Little League

Strawberry Festival Committee Members

Terry Poulin, Chairperson

Entertainment, Artisans


Kathy Bousquet

Publicity, Entertainment, Artisans


Pam Hamel

T-Shirts, Signs


Scarlett Hanson

Community Vounteers


Sally Hunter

Information Booth


Cathy McKeel



Regina Parker

Strawberry Tent


Gail Sirois



Dennis Smith



Karen Starr

Strawberry Kitchen